PR logoRustic Fanfare

Rustic Fanfare cover

Clarinet Trio

The first section is an opening flourish or fanfare in choppy eight-bar phrases
with no instrument being more prominent than the others.
There follows a slower, more thoughtful passage with the instruments moving together in the main,
before returning to the original tempo.
The third part is much spikier and altogether more chaotic within a staccato, canon figure
being conspicuous before calming down into a lyrical, descending passage exploring some harmonic modulations.
It ends with a reprise of the third theme before coming to a loud climax.

Running time 3 mins. 36 secs.

Hear an excerpt from .Rustic Fanfare (Mp3)

Price £4 including P&P

PDF version. Price £3
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Phil Rawle's
World of Music